“Way More” is Wayfair’s first omni-channel marketing & brand campaign, promoting the benefits, value, selection, and ease of shopping Wayfair. The campaign focuses on different articulations of value by testing qualitative & quantitative messaging across marketing deliverables.

Project Role: Art Director & Design Support

Responsibilities: Partnered on Way More Campaign Tool Kit development with Creative & Marketing leadership. Oversaw and assisted with asset development across digital marketing channels including email, social, and display.

Testing Articulations of Value

Qualitative Value

Creative assets geared towards the benefits, selection, services, and tools, offered at Wayfair. Goal of building brand awareness, customer loyalty, and site familiarity

Quantitative Value

Creative assets promoting sales, discounts, and clear product price points. Goal of driving conversion, product views, and interaction with limited-time offers on-site

Campaign Lockup

Early Campaign Concept Exploration

The first iteration of the lockup visually played into the idea of many individual pieces working and changing together, becoming “Way More” through the use of color, layering, and animation.

While there was excitement around the concept, we realized a more simplified direction was needed for clarity and flexibility across deliverables, leaning on bold messaging and digestible visuals to drive impact.

 Qualitative Value Campaign Assets

 Quantitative Value Campaign Assets


Vivno Black Friday & Holiday Promotions